Welcome to MBC Group Speak Up Helpline (“Helpline” or “Speak-Up”). This is an independent helpline managed by Deloitte on behalf of MBC Group, to support individuals wanting to confidentially disclose ethical issues or concerns they are aware of.
Anyone raising issues or concerns via the Speak-Up process will be protected from victimization, harassment, or disciplinary action as a result of any disclosure, where the disclosure is substantially true, made in good faith and is not made maliciously or for personal gain.
MBC Group takes your willingness to speak up very seriously and will review all reports and initiate investigations where needed.
Reports are completely confidential, and you are not required to reveal your identity unless you choose to do so. You can submit through Speak-Up, matters relating to any of the below:
- Bribery and Corruption
- Conflict of Interest and Insider Trading
- Fraud and Breach of Trust
You can also submit matters related to:
- Theft and Misappropriation of Assets
- Harassment
- Bullying and Discrimination
- Illegal Activities which are in violation of applicable Laws and Regulations
- Other Unethical Behavior or Misconduct
- Matters which pose danger to health or safety of an individual or significant danger to the environment
For any other inquiries, feedback or complaints not in scope of the above matters, please refer to the following channels:
- For HR matters – Please contact the HR department or refer to MBC Group HR policies.
- For SHAHID related queries and questions please click here.
- For general queries, questions and suggestions please click here.
- Please do not use Speak-Up Helpline to report any emergency situations such as immediate threat to life, health or facilities. Any such situation should be reported to MBC Administration and Security Department through the following numbers:
- Duty Manager : +971 56 1999678
- Control room : +971 43909879
If you have any other queries relating to MBC Group Speak Up managed by Deloitte and how it operates, please email halosupport@deloitte.com.
You should provide as much information as possible to facilitate subsequent actions or investigation procedures.
The type of information you need to provide when reporting a suspected unethical incident should include:
- Names of people involved
- Names of any witnesses
- Date, time, and location of incident(s)
- Details of any proof
- Money or assets involved
- How often the incident has happened.